Zen Basil Seeds Pumpkin Mousse

Zen Basil Pumpkin Mousse


1 Tbsp Zen Basil Seeds

1 packet Coconut Zen Hydrate

1 can pumpkin purée (15oz)

1 tsp almond extract 

1 tsp cinnamon 

1 tsp pumpkin spice

2 cups milk of choice

2-4 Tbsp monk fruit or maple syrup 

1 banana 

Additional: Favorite pumpkin cookie


In a blender pour all ingredients except the banana and blend for 30-45 seconds or until desired thickness. This will make your pumpkin mousse. Then in a separate bowl, use the back of a spoon to mash a banana. Now layer a cup with your pumpkin mousse, mashed banana, and one cookie of choice. Check out our Instagram video for how we did ours!

Zen Basil Acai Pudding


1 packet Zen Hydration Acai

1 scoop 20/20 protein powder

1 cup frozen blueberries

½ cup yogurt of choice

1 cup milk of choice

1 banana

2 Tbsp almonds


In a blender, pour your yogurt, blueberries, protein powder, milk and Zen Hydration. Blend for 30-45 seconds or until desired thickness. Pour that mixture into a bowl and top with sliced bananas, almonds, and dry Zen Basil seeds. 

Disclosure: Be sure to hydrate with plenty of water after consuming Zen Basil seeds dry

Zen Basil Seeds Raspberry Chocolate Jam Bites

Zen Basil Raspberry Chocolate Jam Bites


1 ½ Tbsp Zen Basil Seeds

1 cup raspberries

1 Tbsp maple syrup

1/2 cup melt chocolate chip (I used sugar free)

Dash of salt


Mash together 1 cup of fresh raspberries, 1 ½ Tbsp of Zen Basil seeds, dash of salt, and 1 Tbsp of maple syrup (or any other liquid sweetener of choice) until well combined. Separate into bite sized pieces on parchment paper and freeze for an hour or until it's solid. Then coat them in some melted dark chocolate and freeze for another hour. 

Zen Basil Seeds Overnight Meal Prep

Zen Basil Overnight Prep

Small Mix:

2 Tbsp Zen Basil Seeds

1 cup organic coconut milk

Dash of sea salt


Medium Mix:

2 Tbsp Zen Basil Seeds

1 cup coconut milk

1/4 cup coconut flour

1 tsp vanilla extract 

1 cup frozen wild blueberries 

Dash of sea salt


Large Mix:

1/4 cup Zen Basil Seeds

2 cups coconut milk

1/4 cup cocoa powder

2 tsp vanilla extract 

1 Tbsp monk fruit or maple syrup 

Dash of sea salt


 Mix all ingredients in your small, medium, and large bowls, and chill overnight.

This recipe is Keto and Vegan friendly!

Zen Basil Warm Lectin-Free Bean Dish

Zen Basil lectin-free beans


2 Tbsp Zen Basil Seeds

1 cup coconut milk

1 cup pressure cooked chickpeas

Dash of salt

½ cup yogurt of choice

Optional: sweeten with monk fruit


Mix 2 Tbsp of Zen Basil seeds and milk of choice into a bowl. Add that mix to a pot with a dash of salt and heat up. Now pour the pressure cooked beans into the pot. Mash the beans into the seed mix and mix well. Once the mixture forms a golden brown color, pour into a bowl. Add yogurt and smooth it over all corners of the mixture. In a separate bowl, mix some white chocolate and olive oil in a bowl, this will melt the chocolate quicker. Drizzle the white chocolate over your main mixture and top with walnuts, pistachios, and dry Zen Basil seeds. 

Pumpkin Puree

Zen Basil Pumpkin Puree


2 Tbsp Zen Basil Seeds

1 cup milk of choice

1 cup of pumpkin sauce

1 Tbsp of pumpkin spice

1 Tbsp of cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 Tbsp monk fruit


In a bowl add your Zen Basil Seeds and milk of choice (I used coconut milk). Refrigerate overnight or until texture is thick. In a separate bowl add the pumpkin sauce, pumpkin spice, cinnamon, vanilla extract, and monk fruit. Mix well. 

Now combine your Zen Basil and pumpkin mix by layering a cup or bowl. Add a spoonful of the pumpkin mix first then some of the Zen Basil mix. Continue layering between the mixtures. Top with honey and enjoy!

This recipe is Keto and Vegan friendly!

Zen Basil Seeds Ferrero Protein Breakfast

Zen Basil Ferrero

Protein Rich


1 Tbsp of Zen Basil seeds

15 oz chickpeas (pressure cooker add raw chickpeas and salt water. Pressure cook until drained, this process makes beans lectin free)

Half cup hazelnut 

1/4 cocoa powder 

1/2 cup nut butter

2 dates

1/4 date or maple syrup 

1/4 cup milk ( I used coconut milk) 

Splash vanilla extract


Add your chickpeas to a pressure cooker. Pour in water and add salt. Pressure cook for about 45 minutes. This process will make the beans lectin-free. Next pour your beans into a blender. Add in 1 Tbsp of Zen Basil seeds, hazelnut, nut butter, cocoa powder, dates, walnuts, coconut milk, maple syrup, and vanilla extract. Blend for about 30 seconds or until desired thickness. Pour into a bowl and enjoy! 

Zen Basil Seeds Lectin-Free Shakshuka (Omelette)

Zen Basil lectin-free shakshuka


2 Tbsp Zen Basil seeds

2-4 Tbsp coconut oil

2 onions

8 oz cauliflower rice

1-2 tsp chopped garlic

1 Tbsp paprika

1 tsp cumin

½ tsp turmeric

8 pasteurized eggs

lemon slice

salt n Pepper


In a pan, sauté your oil, onions until they are golden. Add garlic and sauté for another minute. Now add the cauliflower rice and sauté for 2 minutes. Then add the Zen Basil seeds, salt n pepper, turmeric, cumin, and paprika. Lower the heat to medium simmer for 5-7 minutes, or until the cauliflower rice liquid has reduced. Add your eggs and cover until they cook to your desired texture. Garnish with lemon. Enjoy! 

Zen Basil Blue Spirulina Pudding


1 cup Zen Basil seeds

8 cups coconut milk (For more liquidy texture use 9 cups) 

2 Tbsp Vanilla extract 

1 Tbsp Blue spirulina powder

 ¼ cup water 

 Optional: ½ cup monk fruit or maple syrup, but you may skip any added sweetener



In a large bowl, pour coconut milk and add Zen Basil seeds. Mix well and set for 3 minutes, then mix again. Add vanilla and any sweetness of your choice, then mix well again. Cover and chill overnight. May be prepared 2-3 days in advance and stored in the refrigerator. Before serving: In a small bowl, add dry spirulina and water until a blue liquid forms. Be careful, it’s a strong color so a little goes a long way, and be careful with white counters. Now take out the Zen Basil seeds pudding from the fridge and split it into two bowls. Pour the spirulina mixture over one of the bowls of the pudding. Keep the other bowl as is. Decorate and top to your liking. Checkout our Instagram for the full video from October 10!

Zen Hydrate Pumpkin Smoothie


1 cup milk of choice

1 frozen banana 

1-2 Tbsp pumpkin spice

2 Tbsp pumpkin sauce

1 packet Coconut Zen Basil Hydrate stick


Mix all ingredients into a blender and blend for 15 seconds or until desired thickness. Top with whip cream, honey, and sea salt.

This recipe is Keto and Vegan friendly!

Zen Basil Seed Mulberry Pudding

Zen Basil Mulberry pudding


1/4 cup Zen Basil seeds 

1 cup boiling water 

1 cup milk(I used Coconut milk)

1 cup yogurt (I used A2)

Optional: 1 tsp vanilla extract 

Toppings: Walnuts, pistachios, mulberries, coconut flakes 



In a bowl, mix seeds and boiling water. Mix well, set aside for 3 min. Then add milk and vanilla, mix and layer as a base. Top with yogurt and toppings.

Zen Hydrate Chocolate Acai Brownie

Zen Basil acai brownie


1 cup almonds soaked in water 

½ cup mulberries

½ cup figs

1 cup chocolate chips (sugar free)

1 Tbsp olive oil or coconut oil

1 tsp vanilla extract 

1 Zen Basil Hydrate stick Açaí Pom beet

¼ cup water mix set 5min 



In a blender, blend all ingredients except Acai hydrate and water. Once fully blended, pour in a lined tray, next mix Acai stick with water, set 5 min and pour over the brownie chocolate mixture. Sprinkle sea salt over the top, and freeze (about 45min) till firm 


Very Berry Zen Basil Smoothie

Very Berry Smoothie with Zen Basil seeds


2 Tbsp Zen Basil Seeds

1 cup frozen blueberries

½ cup frozen strawberries

½ frozen banana

1 cup almond milk

1/2 cup ice


Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until desired thickness, usually 10-15 seconds. Try not to blend too long or it will become too gelatinous. 

This recipe is Keto and Vegan friendly!

Zen Basil Seeds Peach Pudding

Zen Basil Peach Pudding


2 Tbsp Zen Basil seeds

1 Peach cut small cubs

1 cup coconut milk

2 Tbsp coconut flour

1 Tbsp monk fruit

Dash of salt


Add 2 Tbsp of Zen Basil seeds to a saucepan with milk of your choice. Bring to a boil. Add coconut flour to keep it lectin free, or you can add oatmeal. Add salt and sweetener of choice, I chose monk fruit. Mix well. Add a cut up peach to the mix and simmer for 5 minutes. Serve.

Zen Basil Seed Berry Nice Cream

Zen Basil Berry Nice Cream


1 Tbsp Zen Basil Seeds

1 Tbsp water

½ avocado

2 cups frozen mixed berries


Add the Zen Basil seeds and water into the blender. Let sit for 5 minutes. Then add the avocado and frozen mixed berries blend for 15-45 sec depending on speed, may have to open the blender mix and blend again till its fully blended smooth and creamy, serve with your favorite toppings. 

Zen Basil Seeds Pina Colada

Zen Basil Pina Colada


¾ cup Zen Basil Seeds

2 cups coconut milk

3 cups frozen pineapples (Divided into 2 cups and 1 cup)

2 Tbsp coconut flakes (Divided into 2 Tbsp)

1 Tbsp vanilla extract

1 cup unsweetened coconut yogurt 

Optional: 2 Tbsp maple syrup


Blend 2 cups of pineapples, coconut milk, 1 Tbsp of coconut flakes, and the vanilla extract. Optional: Maple syrup. 

Divide the Zen Basil Seeds into 4 jars and add the liquid, (ration is about 2 tbs seed to 1/2 cup liquid for thick and up to 1 c liquid for more moist pudding) stir well to make sure it is thoroughly combined. Place in the fridge to set overnight. 

Topping, add coconut yogurt and pineapple puree, or pineapple chunks and blend till smooth, pour over the pudding mixture sprinkle the rest of the coconut flakes. 

Bon Appetit! 

Zen Basil Seed Cauliflower Rice

Zen Basil Seed Cauliflower Rice


2 Tbsp Zen Basil Seeds

1 bag frozen cauliflower rice

1 onion

1-2 Tbsp coconut oil

½ lemon juiced (more to garnish)

1 tsp salt to taste

1 tsp cumin

1 avocado smash (use fork may add 1 tsp seeds)

Basil leaves to garnish


Sauté onion in coconut oil for 2-3 minutes. Add cauliflower, Zen Basil seeds, salt, cumin, and stir. Top with 1 tsp of coconut oil on top and cover. Simmer for 5-7 minutes. Mix again and serve.

To decor: In a round glass bowl, drizzle olive oil evenly all around, press down half the cooked mixture followed by one layer of avocado smashed followed by the 2nd layer of cooked mixture, let it sit for few min to settle, (make a bigger batch to keep chill overnight for next day) cover the bowl with flat plate and flip to drop the tower on your plate, may use a knife to loosen the sides..takes practice..garnish with lemon and basil leaves and dust nutritional yeast or perm and more greens. 

Zen Basil Seed Boysenberry Protein Pudding

Zen Basil Boysenberry Protein Pudding


2 Tbsp Zen Basil Seeds

1 scoop vanilla protein powder 

1 cup milk of choice

¼ tsp almond extract

1 cup boysenberries 

Dash of salt


In a bowl mix your Zen Basil Seeds, protein powder, coconut milk, and almond extract. Refrigerate overnight. Then heat up a cup of boysenberries in a saucepan and mush them up with a spatula. Now pour the boysenberries onto your pudding mix.

Zen Basil Seeds Banana Chocolate Chip Vegan Pudding

Zen Basil Banana Chocolate Chip Vegan Pudding


2 Tbsp Zen Basil Seeds

1 cup coconut milk

1 Tbsp almond butter

2 Tbsp oatmeal

¼ tsp almond extract

½ cup vegan yogurt

Dash of salt

Toppings: Banana, sugar-free chocolate chips, almonds, coconut flakes

Optional: 1 Tbsp monk fruit


Mix all your ingredients together and refrigerate overnight. Top with a banana, chocolate chips, almonds, and coconut flakes.