Tanya Zuckerbrot And Dr. Steven Gundry Choose Zen Basil Seeds Over Chia For Best Source Of Fiber

Tanya Zuckerbrot loves Zen Basil Seeds

Why Does Your Body Need Fiber For Gut Health?

Fiber is a well-known term in the dietary world, and everyone knows it’s an important gut health nutrient, but how exactly does it contribute to your health, immune system, and good gut bacteria? Simply put, fiber feeds the good gut bacteria in your intestines, which help boost so many systems in your body. The digestive system obviously needs fiber, and a healthy digestive system can provide your body with all the nutrients it needs to fuel every other system in your body!

Most people will reach for thick and unappetizing drinks when told to consume more fiber or try to incorporate so many raw vegetables that it results in being constantly gassy. Read on to learn about other options for fiber, and how Zen Basil Seeds can help fill your fiber needs in new and delicious ways!

What Is Fiber And How Does Soluble Fiber Work?

For starters, fiber is split into two categories: soluble and insoluble. The fiber that’s most important is soluble fiber - the kind that can be dissolved in water and is metabolized by the good bacteria in the gut. Fiber generally cannot be digested by the human digestive system, so it will reach the intestines unchanged. However, this soluble fiber can be broken down by the good bacteria found in the intestines, and functions as prebiotics! (Learn more about the specifics of fiber here!)

I Thought I Just Needed Probiotics?

We hear a lot about probiotics, but prebiotics are just beginning to be a buzzword in the healthy living community. So what’s the difference anyway? Probiotics are the gut bacteria that your body needs in order to properly break down food and boost your immune system. We naturally have good bacteria in our bodies, but many things can cause them to be destroyed, such as too many courses of antibiotics, or simply not feeding them.

This is where prebiotics come in! Unfortunately, many people do eat enough soluble fiber in their day-to-day lives and their regular meals to feed the good bacteria in their gut. This keeps the bacteria from replicating, requiring supplementation. Dietary fibers are absolutely essential for your health because the prebiotics found in them will feed the good bacteria and allow them to thrive, delivering you the nutrients you need from the food you eat. (Read more about prebiotics vs. probiotics here!)

Zen Basil Seeds Versus Chia Seeds For The Best Soluble Fiber

On The Doctors Farmacy Podcast with Dr. Mark Hyman MD, Dr. Casey Means MD, co-founder/chief medical officer at Levels, said "Fiber is a magical life hack. I love Zen Basil Seeds which has even more fiber than chia."

Most people think of chia seeds as a good source of fiber, and while they are popular, there is a better choice! Our Zen Basil Seeds are the BEST source of fiber, based on a published food science journal study showing that hydrated basil seeds versus chia seeds had 21% soluble fiber versus chia’s scant 2%! Zen Basil seeds hydrate faster than chia seeds (only 5 minutes, rather than overnight!), and they can also be eaten raw. The convenience of quickly adding fiber to your diet means you’ll never forget to eat your fiber ever again. Zen Basil Seeds also offer DOUBLE THE NUTRIENTS! On a gram-by-gram comparison, Zen Basil Seeds have nearly 2x more fiber, 2x more potassium, 2x more calcium, and 2x more iron than chia seeds!

Our seeds are also lectin-free! Lectins are a sticky compound found in some plant foods that can cause red blood cells to clump (called agglutination). Obviously, avoiding excess agglutination is very important to a healthy lifestyle, so choosing Zen Basil Seeds as an alternative over chia seeds which do contain lectins is a healthy move when following a high-fiber diet! Since lectins can also instigate what is now known as “leaky gut syndrome,” based on third-party published studies shared by Dr. Steven Gundry, and as we know, gut health is imperative for strengthening our immune system! In the last few years, we have learned more than ever how important a strong and healthy immune system can be in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, so it is important to take steps to eat the right types of fibers, without harmful lectins!

Why Choose Zen Basil For Gut Health?

We strive to fill a place in the market and improve on something essential for everyone’s diet! Zen Basil Seeds are packed with not only fiber but other essential nutrients key to a healthy gut. There are many ways to incorporate and enjoy Zen Basil Seeds in your diet, as they can be eaten raw and sprinkled on foods, or hydrated in drinks, smoothies, or puddings. See our recipe page for simple ideas! Zen Basil Seeds fit right in with any dietary needs you have, from gluten-free to vegan, keto, or paleo.

All prebiotics are fiber, but not all fiber is created equal! Zen Basil Seeds are a good source of fiber and prebiotic fiber and contain the highest level of fiber of any nutritive seed product - eight (8) grams per tablespoon. This is nearly 2x the fiber contained in chia seeds, without the lectins! When you’re trying to achieve a high-fiber diet, Zen Basil Seeds make it easy and delicious!

Zen Basil seeds come highly recommended as well!

Tanya Zuckerbrot on Zen Basil seeds

Tanya Zuckerbrot, the CEO of F-Factor and the leading authority on weight loss and management says, “ I absolutely love Zen Basil to boost fiber naturally.” She loves to incorporate Zen Basil Seeds in her diet plan and Instagram recipes! Health coach, model, and author Nikki Sharp says, “Absolutely LOVE Zen Basil Seeds. They are what I recommend to my clients and personally use. I find them to be better than chia, easier to digest, and am so happy I’ve found this brand.”

Dr Steven Gundry Recommends Zen Basil As New Favorite Superfood For Fiber

Dr Steven Gundry recommends Zen Basil

And of course, the New York Times bestselling author of The Plant Paradox Dr. Steven Gundry has highly recommended Zen Basil Seeds as an incredible new superfood. He has pointed out that lectins pose a threat to the digestive system especially in regards to gut health and the immune system. Lectins can destroy the lining of the intestines, resulting in leaky gut syndrome, and he says this sort of attack on the intestinal wall can lead to lasting damage over time. “If you’re looking for the chia experience, please get yourself basil seeds,” Dr. Gundry suggests. And he also says, “Support women, buy local,” as purchasing from our site supports a women-owned and operated business. “They are just fantastic for every place you would consider using chia seeds.”

We are incredibly honored to be part of Dr. Steven Gundry’s list of best choices for high fiber superfoods. At Zen Basil Seeds, we offer the only USDA-approved raw organic basil seed in existence that is also lectin-free and Dr. Gundry-approved! We are the leading brand of edible basil seeds available in North America, and even Certified Kosher by Kosher Earth.

What Can Zen Basil Do For You?

Fiber eases digestion and flushes toxins, is loaded with prebiotics to fuel your organic probiotics, and when hydrated, the swelling seeds increase satiety and encourage weight loss. Zen Basil Seeds are loaded with soluble fiber, but beyond that, they will help you create a new healthy lifestyle that will be a stepping stone to greater health for years to come!

Visit our recipes section to find many amazing and delicious ways to incorporate Zen Basil Seeds into your diet!