How Zen Basil Brought Basil Seeds to America - The Ultimate Superfood

Celebrating Freedom, Democracy, and Health for All Americans

As we celebrate the 4th of July, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the values of freedom and democracy that make America great. Just as these principles form the foundation of our nation, good health is the foundation of a happy life. This Independence Day, let’s explore how Zen Basil seeds, a forgotten superfood, are revolutionizing health for Americans.

Introduction to Basil Seeds

Basil seeds, cherished for their healing properties, have been valued for over 4000 years, originating from Afghanistan. Despite their historical significance, these seeds were nearly forgotten in Western culture. Known for their powerhouse of essential nutrients and fiber, prebiotics, oligosaccharides (both soluble and insoluble), calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron, omega-3 polyphenols, and flavonoid antioxidants, basil seeds are indeed a nutrient-dense food.

Shakira’s Journey

Zen Basil’s founder, Shakira, originally a refugee from Afghanistan and raised in America, realized that the chia seeds popular in the West were not the basil seeds beloved in her culture. Determined to recover this forgotten superfood, she embarked on a quest for better health. Shakira’s journey was driven by a personal need to reconnect with the traditional foods of her heritage and to share their benefits with a broader audience.

The Discovery

Through extensive research, Shakira discovered that imported basil seeds lacked nutritional value due to chemical farming practices, which had degraded the soil and the seeds’ nutrients. She spent years testing various basil seeds, recognizing that not all were suitable for consumption, even among the sweet basil plant (Ocimum basilicum). The challenge was identifying basil seeds that swelled easily in water and offered substantial nutritional benefits.

The Challenge

Shakira faced the challenge of finding basil seeds that swelled easily in water and offered substantial nutritional benefits. Her persistence led her to identify farming practices and environmental conditions that preserved the seeds’ nutritional integrity. She realized that the various basil seeds in imported stores and on Amazon didn’t offer much nutrition. This led her to ask, “Why were these seeds so cherished by natural healers for thousands of years?” The answer lay in farming practices. Chemical farming has destroyed both the soil and the nutritional value of our seeds. After years of testing a variety of different basil seeds, she discovered that not all basil seeds were created equal. Some were suitable for eating, while others were not. Even within the sweet basil plant, the nutritional value of the seeds varied depending on farming practices and environmental conditions, especially those heavily sprayed with chemicals like glyphosate.

The Breakthrough

After three years of rigorous testing and verification, Shakira developed Zen Basil seeds with an exclusive nutritional profile. These seeds are rich in fiber, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, omega-3, and flavonoids. She was so impressed with the results that she had an FDA third-party verification team conduct a gram-to-gram comparison with chia seeds.

The Results

Zen Basil seeds boasted nearly twice the fiber, calcium, potassium, and iron compared to standard chia seeds. This breakthrough positioned Zen Basil as the first brand to market basil seeds for eating in America. The comprehensive nutritional profile of Zen Basil includes:

- **Fiber**: Supports digestion and promotes a healthy gut.

- **Calcium**: Essential for bone health.

- **Potassium**: Helps regulate blood pressure.

- **Magnesium**: Important for muscle and nerve function.

- **Iron**: Vital for oxygen transport in the blood.

- **Omega-3**: Essential for heart health.

- **Flavonoids and Polyphenols**: Provide antioxidant benefits.

The Distinction

Zen Basil is not just any basil seed brand. It is the only USDA Organic Integrity Database verified product in North America. Customers can trust that Zen Basil seeds are free of harsh chemicals, including the notorious glyphosate. Organic certification ensures that these seeds retain their full nutrient content and are not compromised by harmful farming practices.


Zen Basil’s story is about rediscovering and celebrating the true potential of basil seeds, a superfood with deep historical roots. Through Shakira’s dedication, Zen Basil brings a unique and highly nutritious product to the market, ensuring quality and purity for health-conscious consumers. One serving of Zen Basil seeds could be a game-changer for 95% of Americans who are missing key nutrients, particularly fiber. On average, Americans consume about 10 grams of fiber daily, while the FDA minimum requirement is 25 grams. With the addition of 15 grams of fiber from one serving of basil seeds, which only costs about $1.50, we can bridge the fiber gap in America. Dr. Robert Lustig emphasizes that fiber is the most important nutrient for metabolic health and suggests that half of obesity could be solved with adequate fiber intake.

Health Advocates Endorse Zen Basil

Zen Basil is gaining admiration from the most respected health advocates. Dr. Steven Gundry, author of New York Times bestsellers “Plant Paradox,” “Energy Paradox,” and “Keto Code,” said, “Basil seeds are so much better than chia, no lectins!” and references “Zen Basil, the only brand verified on the USDA Organic Integrity Database.” Current New York Times bestseller Dr. Casey Means, author of “Good Energy,” stated, “Zen Basil seeds are my favorite seeds.” Countless other health professionals, doctors, scientists, and dietitians are praising the health benefits of basil seeds.

Join Us

Join us on our mission to bring Zen Basil to every pantry in America and end the fiber gap. Together, we can make a significant impact on the health and well-being of millions. Happy 4th of July!