Dr. Steven Gundry Announces New Favorite Superfoods, Chooses Zen Basil Seeds Over Chia Seeds

Dr. Steven Gundry, world-reknown cardio-thoracic surgeon, New York Times best-selling author, and director of the Center for Restorative Medicine, recently announced changes and additions to his recommendations of high fiber superfoods.  Dr Gundry, who has performed over 10,000 cardiac surgeries, turned his focus away from repairing the damage done to the body by poor eating habits and toward preventive diet and nutrition. For over 40 years at his Center for Restorative Medicine, he has been actively researching the direct impact of diet upon not only preventing but also reversing adverse health conditions, thus making him an expert in optimal diet and nutrition for wellness. His latest additions to his superfoods “favorites” include foods containing prebiotic plant-based fiber, and, most especially edible basil seeds, Zen Basil Seeds as replacement for formerly commonly endorsed chia seeds. 

Dr Steven Gundry recommends Zen Basil

Zen Basil Seeds Better Than Any Chia Seeds

Dr. Gundry, known for his cardiac surgery research in the 1990's that changed the medical community's thinking about the relationship between coronary health and diet, is the author of, among several titles, the groundbreaking book, The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers Found in “Healthy” Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain, and its related cookbook.  His decades of work at his Center for Restorative Medicine focuses on excellent nutrition with anti-inflammatory foods and high-fiber super foods, and offers advice on what to eat and, perhaps more importantly, what not to eat- specifically lectin-containing foods.  “Chia seeds have lectins.” Dr. Gundry says in one of his podcasts.  “I'm sorry, folks... they do contain a lectin.  Now the great news is there is something a whole lot better that works even better than chia seeds and this is basil seed, sweet basil seeds.  They actually plump up faster, they don't have a lectin, and they have some fantastic health-promoting compounds in them, polyphenols, that chia seeds do not contain.” 


Lectins & Why Avoiding Lectins Is So Important for Heart and Gut Health

“Lectins have been known about since the 1800's,”  Dr. Gundry says in one of his podcasts.  “In fact, if you've ever been told your blood type, you were told your blood type by using lectins to figure out what your blood type is.  It turns out that in those days they found that these plant compounds, which are sticky proteins, had individual red blood cells that they would stick to depending upon the sugar molecule that was on the outside of the red blood cell. And when they stuck to a particular red blood cell they would then make other red blood cells stick to that red blood cell and they'd all clump.  And (that's) called agglutination.  So, if you had Type O, (the lab technician) put in a lectin that liked to bond to Type O blood and all the red blood cells would clump and (the lab technician would) shake it around in a test tube and there you go...  You're Type O.  If (the lab technician) put in a lectin that liked to bond with the sugar molecule on Type A, only if you were Type A (the red blood cells would) clump... And so that's how lectins have been known about for so long.  I think that's actually a really important point for those of you who are doubters about lectins:  lectins make things clump together... and they make red blood cells clump together... “ 


Obviously, excessive agglutination in the body is not a healthy event.  Dr. Gundry also reminds of another most insidious aspect of lectins, including the example of ricin, the lectin of the castor bean, which is a known poison. “Only a few molecules of ricin,” Dr. Gundry says, “will cause your entire blood stream to clot....  So, this is not just a theory.”  Dr. Gundry also has presented a scientific paper, based on years of research, that posits that lectins attaching to and creating inflammation in the walls of human blood vessels is a  major cause of atherosclerosis- causing stroke, angina, and heart attacks- the number one cause of death in the United States.


Dr. Gundry also points out that lectins pose a threat to the digestive system insofar as weakening the intestinal wall lining and instigating what is now known as leaky gut syndrome.  “You've heard me describe that the lectins in kidney beans are so mischievous in making red blood cells clump,” Dr. Gundry says, “that there are human experiences of eating healthy bean days in Boston where large numbers of children and teachers wound up in the emergency room, sick with bloody diarrhea because the beans they were eating were under-cooked and the lectins had not been destroyed.”  This sort of full-on attack is not the norm, however the same sort of compromise on a smaller level, over time, to the lining of the intestinal wall can have a highly deleterious impact.


The two main functions of the intestinal lining, including little extensions known as microvilli on the tips of its epithelial cells, are to effect absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream and also to keep dangerous toxins from entering the bloodstream.  If these cells and microvilli are inflamed due to the kinds of toxins supplied by lectins there is a greater chance of their not only becoming ineffective at absorption but also becoming swollen or even torn to the point at which they open further than they should and even remain open and allow larger molecules- including dangerous molecules and bad (vs. the “good”) bacteria to escape and go directly into the bloodstream.  A person might eat foods that, they thought, were healthy, however, suddenly, the body senses an attack, reacts as if responding to an allergen, and then they might experience anything from swelling and itching, to trouble breathing, irritable mood, “brain fog,” stress, and fatigue.    Zen Basil Seeds used as alternative to any recipes calling for chia seeds prevents lectin exposure, and thus protects not only the gastrointestinal system but also the entire body!  Remember, we now know that our “gut” is responsible for potentiating and strengthening our immune system.  This is essential at any time, however even more so during this time of Covid-19 pandemic when our lives very much depend upon the overall condition and operation of that immune system!


Why Prebiotic Fiber Is So  Important

“The more prebiotic fiber I can get into your diet, the better,” Dr. Gundry shares on his web site. We've heard much in the news for a long time about the importance of probiotics, the “good” bacteria occurring naturally in the human gastrointestinal system which aid in digestion and proper absorption of nutrients.   However, with the recent advances in knowledge about the human gut biome, we're beginning to get acquainted with “pre-biotics.”  Prebiotic foods, like artichokes, garlic, and our Zen Basil Seeds, provide a rich source of nourishment for the probiotic organisms to feed upon so as to keep our gut biomes at optimal health and functioning.  As Dr. Gundry writes on his web site, “Prebiotic fiber helps your good gut bugs do their jobs. And the harder your good gut bugs work, the more you’re able to absorb all the goodness the best whole foods have to offer.  So ultimately, prebiotic fiber can help construct a healthy colony of good bacteria in your colon and nourish them with the fiber they need most to succeed.” 


We must point something out there:  Even though all prebiotics are fiber, not all fiber is prebiotic.  Fortunately, Zen Basil Seeds, raw organic basic seeds, are both sources of fiber and prebiotic fiber goodness,  and so provide superfuel for good gut bugs!  Our Zen Basil Seeds actually also have the highest level of fiber- at eight (8) grams per tablespoon- of all nutritive seed products.  In fact, Zen Basil Seeds have 2x the fiber found in any chia seeds product.  Studies have shown this prebiotic fiber is often lacking in American diets, however it is essential for maintaining optimal gut health which, in effect, helps maintain optimal overall physical- as well as cognitive- functioning.  Again,  Zen Basil Seeds bring nutritive value to the whole body.


What Makes a Food a “Superfood”

“Superfoods,” Dr. Gundry explains in his podcast on the topic, are “nutrient dense foods packed with healthy polyphenols and anti-oxidants... (A superfood) is almost in the eye of the beholder... In general, a super food should be nutrient dense and calorie sparse.  In other words you pack a lot of great stuff into not a lot of caloric weight.  For instance, the more polyphenols that something has, I consider it the better superfood it is.” Dr. Gundry adds, “ 'Nutrient dense, calorie-poor' is one of the best ways to define a superfood, in my opinion.”  A one tablespoon serving of Zen Basil Seeds contains only 70 calories, only 25 of which are plant-derived (read: healthy) fat – yet another reason Dr. Gundry loves them.


Zen Basil Seeds – Why We Are Dr. Gundry's Newest Favorite Superfood

If edible basil seeds seem new to the current foods market, at Zen Basil Seeds we're reminding they've been around for thousands of years and known for their great nutritive value and other healing properties.  As you know, however, not all edible basil seeds products are alike.  In fact, there is no other organic basil seeds product other than Zen Basil Seeds.  We are proud to offer 100% organic, non-GMO basil seeds that contain those 8 grams of fiber per tablespoon, two times the amount of fiber, potassium, calcium, and iron over chia seeds, and a product rich in prebiotics, polyphenols, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and Omega 3 & 6.


One tablespoon of Zen Basil Seeds delivers 15% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) of calcium, 15% RDI of iron, and 10% RDI of magnesium. These elements are important for healthy bones and good maintenance of hemoglobin levels and red blood cell production- especially important for women and also important for anyone who might be eating a Vegan or vegetarian diet.   Zen Basil Seeds, again at just one tablespoon, supplies 27% RDI of plant-based fiber- awesome if anyone is dieting or in need of assuring daily fiber intake due to eating on the go and busy lifestyle. The side benefits of this also include a better feeling of food satiation after eating (feeling “full” faster)- again great if dieting- and also easy maintenance of blood sugar as well as instant support to gut flora.  An additional benefit may also include reduction of cholesterol level.


Zen Basil Seeds are also rich in plant compounds such as flavonoids and polyphenols- dynamic antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer elements.  These potentiate protection against many threats to overall good health, including heart disease, damage to the eyes, and even cancer.  Zen Basil Seeds also contain, in just one tablespoon, proportionately massive amounts of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), or Omega-3 fat, a plant-derived fat compound that is highly important in producing energy in the body. Studies are now also showing that ALA may also aid in reducing inflammation and also in mitigating health risks leading to conditions such as type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease. Adding Zen Basil Seeds to meals instantly facilitates adding anti-inflammatory foods to the diet with convenience. So much goodness in such tiny form!


Proud to Be Included in Dr. Steven Gundry's Superfoods Choices

“If you're looking for the chia experience, please get yourself basil seeds,” Dr. Gundry encourages.  “They're really cheap and you can get them on Amazon.  I shouldn't tell you that because now I probably won't be able to get any, but they are just fantastic for every place you would consider using chia seeds.”  (Just a reminder here that Zen Basil Seeds are conveniently available by purchase just clicking on Amazon, yes!)


We're so happy to be a part of Dr. Steven Gundry's list of best choices for high fiber superfoods.  At Zen Basil Seeds, the leading brand of edible basil seeds in North America, recommended by doctors and dieticians, alike, we offer the only USDA approved raw organic basil seed in existence that is also lectin-free (Dr. Steven Gundry approved!), gluten-free, perfect for Keto, Paleo. and Vegan diets, and even Certified Kosher by Kosher Earth.


Our product is packed in California and regulated by the California Department of Health Food, and we strive to stay at the forefront of nutritional excellence, prevention and healing.


Zen Basil Seeds at Home for the Holidays

As a final note from Dr. Gundry, and as we prepare for the holidays, Dr. Gundry discusses ways in which we can make our holiday baking healthier while still enjoying that same good “old fashioned” at-home-with-family activity and still produce a resulting product with appearance, taste, and mouth feel similar to what we remember from “days back when.”  “Vegans always want to know... what to do about eggs, because so many recipes call for eggs,” Dr. Gundry says.  “You can always do a flax seed egg,” Dr. Gundry adds (1 tablespoon flax seeds, 3 tablespoons water), “that often fail if you're trying to have a 'raised' something.  I like the idea of mixing flax seeds and (Zen) Basil Seeds together.  Believe me, basil seeds are so much better for you than chia seeds, and they actually work much better than chia seeds...  “  We're happy to be included in any of Dr. Gundry's basil seed recipes, and we're excited about trying his amazing (and, seemingly, impossible) healthy “bagel” recipe and using Zen Basil Seeds as “secret ingredient.” 


Here's hoping that you'll try substituting our Zen Basil Seeds in any of your recipes calling for chia seeds and see if you feel improvement such as Dr. Gundry points out in his studies on healing gut health and maintaining excellent cardio and gastrointestinal health.   And we hope you will give some of the recipes on our web site and on Instagram a try, starting off your day- or week, or even the winter holidays and New Year- with a super delicious and super nutritious snack or meal that is not only tasty and satisfying, but also protects your body and helps it become and remain healthy and well-functioning in every way.