Intermittent Fasting

Why the Beginning of Your Day is Crucial to Lowering Blood Sugar

Pay Special Attention to Your Mornings

The way you start your day sets the tone for the rest of it. From waking up to what you eat first thing in the morning, everything plays a significant role in determining the overall health and energy levels of your body. This is why nutritionists and health experts emphasize the importance of paying special attention to the first few hours of our day. In this blog post, we will explore why and how you should make sure your mornings are healthy and nourishing.

Breakfast is Key:

A healthy breakfast is crucial to kick-start your metabolism, stabilize blood sugar levels, and reduce cravings throughout the day. A wholesome breakfast should include protein, healthy fats, and fiber. For example, you can make a combination of eggs, onions, and tomatoes also known as Shakshuka. You can also prepare a smoothie bowl filled with mixed berries, yogurt, and almond butter. A high protein breakfast can also help with weight loss as it reduces hunger and increases satiety.

Timing is Everything:

Intermittent fasting is a popular diet trend that involves restricting your eating window to a few hours per day. While this may work for some people, it is not suitable for everyone. Skipping breakfast or waiting too long to eat may cause a drop in blood sugar levels, leading to overeating and cravings later in the day. If you’re unsure, it’s best to experiment with different meal timings to find out what works for your body.

The Importance of Fiber:

Fiber is crucial for maintaining good digestive health and keeping you full for longer. Zen Basil seeds, also known as Tukmaria or Sabja seeds, are a great source of fiber. These tiny seeds swell up and become jelly-like when soaked in water, making them a great addition to smoothies, oatmeal, or yogurt. They also contain antioxidants and may help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation.

Hydrate Yourself:

It's essential to drink enough water to keep your body hydrated throughout the day. Start your morning by drinking a glass of water with some added Zen Basil Hydrate to increase electrolytes, nutrients, and support digestion. Our Matcha Green Tea is a perfect way to mix with some coconut milk to become a matcha latte. A boost of natural caffeine and hydration to your skin!

Take Some Time for Yourself:

In addition to a nourishing breakfast and hydration, taking some time for yourself can be beneficial in setting a positive tone for the day. This can be as simple as practicing mindful breathing, meditation, or stretching. Allowing yourself to fully wake up and mentally prepare for the day can reduce stress and improve mental health.

Set The Tone:

Starting your day off on the right foot is essential for maintaining good health and well-being. Remember to eat a nourishing breakfast, hydrate yourself, be mindful of meal timings, and take some time for yourself. Incorporating these habits into your morning routine can set you up for a successful and productive day ahead.