Zen Basil Seeds Lectin-Free Shakshuka (Omelette)

Zen Basil lectin-free shakshuka


2 Tbsp Zen Basil seeds

2-4 Tbsp coconut oil

2 onions

8 oz cauliflower rice

1-2 tsp chopped garlic

1 Tbsp paprika

1 tsp cumin

½ tsp turmeric

8 pasteurized eggs

lemon slice

salt n Pepper


In a pan, sauté your oil, onions until they are golden. Add garlic and sauté for another minute. Now add the cauliflower rice and sauté for 2 minutes. Then add the Zen Basil seeds, salt n pepper, turmeric, cumin, and paprika. Lower the heat to medium simmer for 5-7 minutes, or until the cauliflower rice liquid has reduced. Add your eggs and cover until they cook to your desired texture. Garnish with lemon. Enjoy!