Zen Basil Seed Berry Cookie Pudding


1/4 cup Zen Basil seeds

1 cup coconut milk

1 cup Greek yogurt, divided

1/2 cup keto cookies, crumbled (recipe here)

Handful of raspberries

Handful of blueberries

2 tbsp melted dark chocolate

Sprinkle of sea salt


Soak the Zen Basil Seeds: In a bowl, combine the Zen Basil seeds, coconut milk, and 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt. Stir well to ensure the seeds are evenly distributed. Cover and refrigerate overnight to allow the seeds to soak and expand.

Prepare the Pudding: The next day, take the soaked basil seed mixture out of the fridge. The mixture should be thick and pudding-like.

Layering: In serving glasses or bowls, start by adding a layer of the basil seed pudding. Follow with a layer of the remaining Greek yogurt.

Add the Toppings: Sprinkle the crumbled keto cookies on top of the yogurt layer. Add the raspberries and blueberries over the cookies.

Finish with Chocolate and Sea Salt: Drizzle the melted dark chocolate over the berries and sprinkle a pinch of sea salt to finish.

Serve: Enjoy immediately or chill for a bit longer if you prefer a colder dessert.

This Berry Pudding is perfect as a healthy dessert or a special breakfast treat!

Zen Basil Seed Pudding

Nutrients Made by Labs vs. Nutrients Grown by Ethical Small Farmers: What’s Really in Your Fiber and Prebiotic Supplement?

Before you scroll down to the recipe at the bottom of this page, it’s important to understand where your nutrients come from. In the health and wellness world, there’s a lot of confusion about fiber and the difference between nutrients from whole foods and supplements. This blog will break down how the industry works, where these nutrients originate, and why quality nutrients grown by ethical small farmers are superior.

Why It Matters Where Your Nutrients Come From

Nutrients made by sunlight through organic farming are optimal for your body, unlike many supplements that are extracted and manipulated in labs. Often, these supplements only provide a fraction of the full nutrient found in real whole foods. What’s worse, most supplements aren’t organic, meaning they’re sprayed with up to 250 different chemicals, including glyphosate.

Glyphosate, a chemical herbicide, acts like an antibiotic for plants. Crops treated with it are more likely to harm your gut health rather than support it. Since your immune system is key to longevity and basic health, it’s crucial to choose your nutrients wisely.

Who’s Controlling Your Supplements?

The supplement industry is big business. Major pharmaceutical companies and conglomerates like Nestlé, Bayer, Pfizer, and even Clorox supply raw ingredients and often invest in or acquire supplement brands. When health and wellness influencers promote prebiotics, probiotics, electrolytes, and other supplements, these brands are likely backed by big money.

Top influencers can earn thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of dollars per endorsement. This means millions are invested in these supplement brands. But who’s behind these investments, and what’s their motive? Big businesses control the information you receive, the products you see, and ultimately, what you consume.

The Role of Glyphosate and Lab-Made Nutrients

Many supplements come from crops treated with glyphosate, which is harmful to gut health and reduces the nutritional value of these crops. Relying on these supplements means you might be ingesting harmful chemicals along with your nutrients. This is part of a larger problem where a few companies control much of the food and supplement market, contributing to widespread health issues.

Zen Basil vs. Extracted Probiotics: Why Whole Foods Matter

Instead of relying on lab-made supplements, consider sourcing your nutrients from real, whole foods like Zen Basil seeds. These organic, glyphosate-free seeds provide not just fiber and prebiotics, but a complete range of nutrients that work together to support your health.

Why Zen Basil Seeds Stand Out:

1. Cleanses Toxins from Your Body: Zen Basil seeds offer both soluble and insoluble fiber, which help detoxify your body and support regular bowel movements.

2. Provides a Positive Source of Energy: The nutrient profile of Zen Basil seeds, including omega-3, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and plant-based protein, delivers sustained energy throughout the day.

3. Nourishes at the Cellular Level: Zen Basil seeds nourish your body at the cellular level, helping you stay fuller for longer. They support cell repair and growth, ensuring your body functions optimally.

Understanding the Market Influence

It’s important to know that about 10 conglomerates control 90% of the products you purchase. These companies not only determine what products are available but also how they’re marketed. Their influence over trusted health advisors and wellness influencers can push products that might not be in your best interest.

The Takeaway: Be Informed, Choose Wisely

The next time you see a supplement promoted by a trusted influencer, consider who’s really behind it. Supplements are lab-made, often manipulated and heavily processed. Understanding whether your nutrients come from a lab or a small ethical farm can make all the difference in your health.

Choose real, organic, glyphosate-free foods like Zen Basil seeds, and take control of your nutrition from the ground up. To ensure the products you buy are truly organic, verify their claims using the Organic Integrity Database. By prioritizing whole foods, you can support your health in ways that lab-made supplements can’t.

Choose Zen Basil seeds and bring more Zen into your life.

Now that you understand the importance of where your nutrients come from, here’s a delicious recipe to start your journey to better health:

Zen Basil Pudding (3 Clean Ingredients):

- Protein: 20g per serving

- Fiber: 15g per serving

- Micronutrients: Omega-3, Polyphenols, and more

This pudding is your secret weapon for longevity and youthful skin.

Enjoy the recipe and the benefits of whole, organic nutrients!


1/2 cup Zen Basil Seeds

2 cups coconut milk

2 cups Greek yogurt, divided

10-20 pineapple cubes, with juice

4 tablespoons coconut flakes

Optional: Double the optional ingredients to 2 dashes of salt and 2 tablespoons of maple syrup or honey (all organic).


1. In a bowl, combine Zen Basil seeds, coconut milk, and half of the Greek yogurt. Stir well and refrigerate overnight to allow the seeds to expand and thicken.

2. Before serving, mix the remaining Greek yogurt with the pineapple cubes, including the juice, and coconut flakes. If desired, add a dash of salt and sweeten with maple syrup or honey.

3. Layer the pineapple mixture over the chilled Zen Basil pudding. Top with additional coconut flakes and a pinch of sea salt for a finishing touch.

Enjoy your delicious and nourishing tropical treat!

Makes 4 servings of Zen Basil Seed pudding

Zen Basil Seed Peach Pudding


• 1 tablespoon Zen Basil seeds

• 1/4 cup water

• 1 tablespoon olive oil

• 1 peach

• 1/2 cup yogurt

• 1 tablespoon honey

• 1 tablespoon macadamia nuts or pistachios (chopped)


1. Hydrate the Basil Seeds:

• In a small bowl, combine 1 tablespoon of Zen Basil seeds with 1/4 cup of water.

• Stir well and let sit for about 5 minutes, or until the seeds have absorbed the water and become gelatinous.

2. Add Olive Oil:

• Stir 1 tablespoon of olive oil into the hydrated Zen Basil seeds until well combined.

3. Prepare the Peach:

• Freeze one peach until firm.

• Once frozen, grate the peach using a fine grater or microplane.

4. Assemble the Pudding:

• In a serving bowl, mix 1/2 cup of yogurt with the olive oil-infused, hydrated Zen Basil seeds.

• Top the yogurt mixture with the grated frozen peach.

5. Garnish:

• Sprinkle chopped macadamia nuts or pistachios over the top.

• Drizzle with 1 tablespoon of honey.

Nutritional Benefits:

This pudding combines polyphenol-rich ingredients such as Zen Basil seeds and olive oil, which are known for their antioxidant properties. The complete fiber and protein content from the basil seeds, along with the probiotics from yogurt, make this a power-packed breakfast that tastes like a dessert.

Lemon Blueberry Pudding


- 1 cup fresh blueberries, heated on stove for 2-5 minutes

- 2 tbsp Zen Basil Seeds, hydrated overnight with 1/2 cup milk

- Juice of 1/4 lemon

- 1 tbsp honey

- 5 oz yogurt

- 2 tbsp cream cheese

- Lemon zest for topping


1. Heat 1 cup of fresh blueberries on the stove for 2-5 minutes until they start to soften.

2. Hydrate 2 tbsp of Zen Basil Seeds overnight with 1/2 cup of milk.

3. In the morning, mix the hydrated basil seeds with the lemon juice, honey, yogurt, and cream cheese.

4. Stir in the cooked blueberries.

5. Top with lemon zest.

6. Enjoy your fiber-packed, protein-rich pudding!

Breakfast Pudding


• 2 tablespoons Zen basil seeds

• ½ cup water

• A pinch of salt

• ½ cup milk of choice I used 100% grass fed

• ½ teaspoon cinnamon

• 2 tablespoons yogurt (plus extra for topping)

• 2 tablespoons ground flaxseed

• Blueberries (for topping)

• Raspberries (for topping)

• 1 tablespoon almond butter (for topping)

• Chopped walnuts (for topping)

• 3 Brazilian nuts (for topping)

• Coconut flakes (for topping)

• Optional: drizzle of ½ tablespoon honey

• Optional: additional pinch of salt


1. Hydrate Basil Seeds:

• In a bowl, combine 2 tablespoons of Zen basil seeds with ½ cup of water and a pinch of salt.

• Let the mixture sit for 3 minutes to allow the seeds to fully hydrate.

2. Prepare the Pudding Base:

• Add ½ cup of milk and ½ teaspoon of cinnamon to the hydrated basil seeds.

• Mix well and bring the mixture to a boil.

3. Cool and Mix:

• Turn off the heat and allow the mixture to cool slightly.

• Stir in 2 tablespoons of yogurt and 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed until well combined.

4. Serve:

• Transfer the mixture to a serving bowl.

• Top with fresh blueberries, raspberries, 1 tablespoon of almond butter, and 2 tablespoons of yogurt.

• Sprinkle with chopped walnuts, 3 Brazilian nuts, and coconut flakes.

• Drizzle with ½ tablespoon of honey and an additional pinch of salt, if desired.

This dish is a powerhouse of nutrition, providing all essential nutrients from real, organic whole foods. It supports metabolic health naturally and effectively.

Salted Peanut Buter Pudding


4 Tbsp Zen Basil seeds

1 Banana

1 Date

2 Tbsp Cacao Powder

2 Tbsp nut butter of choice

1 cup coconut milk

1 tsp vanilla extract


Nut butter of choice (I chose peanut butter)

Pinch of salt


Blend the banana, dates, cacao powder, peanut butter, vanilla extract, and coconut milk. Then add your Zen Basil seeds and stir until it's mixed well. Leave in the fridge overnight or at least 4 hours. Spread over with your favorite nut butter and sprinkle with salt. Chill for 30 minutes or enjoy right away!

Zen Flax Pudding


- 2 tbsp Zen basil seeds

- 2 tbsp ground flaxseed

- 2 tbsp almond flakes

- 1 cup milk (your choice of dairy or plant-based)

- 1 tsp cinnamon

- 1/2 to 1/4 tsp salt

- 1/2 cup yogurt of choice

- 1/2 banana, sliced

- 1 tsp honey

- Additional almonds for topping


1. In a bowl, combine the Zen basil seeds, ground flaxseed, and almond flakes.

2. Pour in the milk and stir in the cinnamon and salt until well mixed.

3. Cover the bowl and refrigerate overnight to allow the mixture to thicken.

4. In the morning, top with yogurt, sliced banana, and a drizzle of honey.

5. Garnish with additional almonds for an extra crunch.

6. Enjoy your nutritious and delicious Zen Flax Breakfast Bowl!

Green Zen Milk Pudding


16 oz Green Zen Milk (click here for recipe link)

1/4 cup Zen Basil Seeds

1/2 cup yogurt

Drizzle honey and pistachios

Optional: sweetener of choice


In a jar, mix together the Green Zen Milk and 1/4 cup Zen Basil Seeds. Chill for 6 hours-overnight. Then add in some yogurt and any sweetener of choice. I drizzled some honey and sprinkled pistachios on top!

Pistachio Pudding


2 tablespoons Zen Basil Seeds

2 tablespoons oats

1 tablespoon pistachio butter (blend raw pistachios in a blender to make butter)

1 cup Green Zen Milk (click on milk for recipe link)

1/2 cups yogurt

Dash of salt


Melted white chocolate



Combine seeds, oats, and green Zen milk. Mix well and chill overnight. To layer, top with pistachio butter, yogurt, and melted chocolate (I melted sugar free chocolate chips with olive oil, try not to overdo as it flows over like mine)

Chill for a few minutes in the ref fridge until it hardens.

Toffee Pudding


2 Tbsp Zen Basil Seeds (these have double the fiber and nutrients than chia seeds)

1/2 cup water

2 Tbsp yogurt

3 dates

1/4 cup milk


Add some Zen Basil seeds into a bowl with half a cup of water. They will thicken up and hydrate right away. Add some yogurt on top. Then in a blender, add your dates and milk.

Blend until it becomes thick and creamy, then pour it over the yogurt. Crush some graham crackers on top for added crunch

Mango Pudding


Recipe makes 3 cup of pudding

1/4 cup Zen Basil Seeds

1/4 cup steel Cut Oats

1 cup milk of your choice (or 1/2 cup full fat milk and 1/2 cup water)

1 cup plain yogurt (Greek or yogurt of choice)

optional: 1-2 tablespoons sweetener of your choice (maple syrup, honey, monk fruit, etc.)

1/2 teaspoon sea salt

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Fresh mango, chopped, for layering and topping and bottom


In a bowl or jar, combine the Zen Basil Seeds, oats, milk, yogurt, sweetener, mix and add vanilla extract, mix again. Stir well to ensure that all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the seeds and oats are evenly distributed throughout the mixture. Chill overnight.

In serving glasses or bowls, layer chopped fresh mango at the bottom.

Pour the prepared Zen Basil pudding mixture over the chopped mango, dividing it evenly among the glasses or bowls.

Top each serving with additional chopped fresh mango.

Optionally, garnish with coconut flakes or chopped nuts for added texture and flavor.

Enjoy your delicious and refreshing mango pudding with Zen Basil Seeds and oats, layered with fresh mango! This recipe offers a delightful combination of creamy basil seeds with fruity textures!

As always, rich in fiber, protein, prebiotic and probiotic and other micronutrients!

The most incredible part, all from the goodness of Real Whole Foods! Also important to check for yourself:

USDA Organic Certified Integrity Database, to help you avoid Glyphosate used products:


Chocolate Crunch Pudding


Recipe makes 3 cup of pudding

1/4 cup Zen Basil Seeds

1/4 cup steel Cut Oats

1 cup milk of your choice (or 1/2 cup full fat milk and 1/2 cup water)

1 cup plain yogurt (Greek or yogurt of choice)

optional: 1-2 tablespoons sweetener of your choice (maple syrup, honey, monk fruit, etc.)

1/2 teaspoon sea salt

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


1 Tbs Nut butter (of choice) for layering

1/2 Banana slices for layering

2-3 Tbs Dark chocolate for melting

Dash of Salt and crush walnuts for sprinkling


In a bowl or jar, combine the Zen Basil Seeds, oats, milk/water, yogurt, salt, sweetener and mix well, add vanilla extract and mix again. Stir well to ensure that the seeds, oats, and yogurt are evenly distributed throughout the mixture and chill overnight.

Before serving, give it a good stir to break up any clumps and ensure everything is well mixed.

In this photo, we layered Zen Basil pudding as the base, top with even layer of nut butter, even layer of sliced bananas, melted dark chocolate (I use chocolate chips with coconut to melt) and drizzle it over the nut butter layer.

Sprinkle with a pinch of salt, dash of walnuts for a delicious contrast of flavors.

Chill in freezer for 30 sec or 5 min in the refrigerator to allow the chocolate to harden slightly and create a crunchy texture.

Enjoy your decadent Zen Basil Seeds and oats pudding with layers of nut butter, dark chocolate, and yogurt! This recipe offers a delightful combination of thick and yet creamy pudding, nutty flavors, rich chocolate, and a hint of saltiness for a truly indulgent treat.

As always, rich in fiber, protein, prebiotic and probiotic and other micronutrients!

The most incredible part, all from the goodness of Real Whole Foods! Also important to check for yourself:

USDA Organic Certified Integrity Database, to help you avoid Glyphosate used products:


Blackberry Overnight Oats


1/2 cup rolled oats

2 tbsp Zen Basil Seeds

2 tbsp yogurt (Greek yogurt or any yogurt of your choice)

3/4 cup milk (dairy or plant-based)

1/2 cup mashed blackberries

Sliced strawberries for topping

Honey for drizzling


Prepare the Base: In a mixing bowl or a jar, combine the rolled oats, Zen Basil Seeds, yogurt, and milk. Stir well to ensure all ingredients are evenly mixed.

Add Blackberries: Gently fold in the mashed blackberries into the oat mixture. Make sure the blackberries are evenly distributed throughout the mixture.

Refrigerate Overnight: Cover the bowl or jar with a lid or plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator. Allow the oats to soak overnight, or for at least 4-6 hours. This allows the oats to soften and absorb the liquid.

Serve: The next morning, give the oats a good stir. If the mixture seems too thick, you can add a splash of milk to reach your desired consistency.

Top with Strawberries: Before serving, top your overnight oats with sliced strawberries for a fresh and colorful touch.

Drizzle with Honey: Just before enjoying, drizzle honey over the top of the oats for a touch of sweetness and extra flavor.

Enjoy: Grab a spoon and dig in! These overnight oats are packed with flavor, fiber, and nutrients to kick-start your day on a healthy and delicious note.

Cinnamon Apple Pudding


2 Tbsp Zen Basil Seeds

1/2 cup milk of choice

2 Tbsp yogurt


1 apple

1 tsp coconut oil

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp nutmeg

1/4 cup water


Add 2 Tbsp of Zen Basil Seeds with 1/2 cup of milk, dash of salt, and 2 Tbsp of yogurt. Refrigerate for a few hours or overnight. Then in a pan, add the chopped apple, dash of salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg with 1 tsp of coconut oil. Cook for a few minutes until apples are toasted or golden. Set on simmer and add 1/4 cup of water, cook for a minute and add walnuts and drizzle with honey.

Grab your Zen Basil Seed mix and add 2 Tbsp of yogurt on top. Then pour the apple mix over the top of your Zen Basil Seed Mix and enjoy!

Cinnamon Banana Pudding


For the pudding:

2 tablespoons Zen Basil Seeds

1 cup milk (dairy or plant-based)

1 banana

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 cup ice cubes

For the walnut cream:

1 cup raw walnuts

2 pitted dates

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Prepare the Zen Basil Seed Mix:

In a blender, combine the Zen Basil Seeds, milk, half of the banana, ground cinnamon, and ice cubes.

Blend until smooth and creamy. Adjust the consistency by adding more milk if desired.

Make the Walnut Cream:

In the same blender combine the raw walnuts, pitted dates, and vanilla extract.

Blend until smooth and creamy, scraping down the sides of the blender as needed.

Assemble the Pudding:

Pour the creamy cinnamon pudding mixture into serving glasses or bowls, filling them halfway.

Carefully pour the walnut cream over the top of the pudding mixture, creating a layer of creamy goodness. Top with the other half of the banana.

Optionally, sprinkle with additional cinnamon or chopped walnuts for garnish.

Serve and Enjoy:

Serve the creamy cinnamon pudding with walnut cream immediately, or refrigerate for a few hours to chill before serving.

Enjoy this delicious and nutritious dessert as a satisfying treat any time of day!

This recipe yields a creamy and flavorful pudding with the added benefits of Zen Basil Seeds and the rich texture of walnut cream. It's a perfect balance of sweetness and spice, ideal for satisfying your cravings while nourishing your body with wholesome ingredients.

Zen Basil Golden Milk Pudding

Zen Basil Golden Milk


2 Tbsp Turmeric

1 tsp salt

1 tsp pepper

4 cups milk of choice


Add all the ingredients into a pot and heat up until it starts to boil. Right when it starts boiling and rising up, immediately turn the heat down and leave on simmer for 30 minutes.


Add 2 Tbsp of Zen Basil Seeds in a jar and mix with 1/2 a cup of water. Pour the Turmeric Milk over the seeds and stir. Top with honey and feel the healing powers work immediately!

Zen Basil Seed Pudding

Acai Pudding

(Serving size: 2)

1/4 cup Zen Basil seeds

1/4 cup oats

2 sticks Açaí Zen Hydrate

1 cup milk of choice

1 cup yogurt of choice

Topping: Serve with granola and fresh berries

Matcha Pudding

(Serving size:2)

1/4 cup Zen Basil seeds

1/4 cup coconut flour

2 sticks Matcha Zen Hydrate

1 cup milk of choice

1 cup yogurt of choice

Topping: Melted sugar-free white chocolate with coconut oil and drizzle on top, or mix with yogurt and honey. Top with pistachios and coconut flakes.

Turmeric Pudding

(Serving size:2)

¼ cup Zen Basil seeds

½ cup oats or coconut flour for lectin free

2 Turmeric Zen Hydrate stick

1 cup milk of choice

1 cup yogurt of choice

Handful honey walnuts

Topping: Layer with your favorite cookie, sugar-free chocolate chips, and favorite nut butter.


Mix dry ingredients and milk, add yogurt and mix again. Chill overnight. Add your favorite toppings and serve. May refrigerate for up to three days.

Zen Basil Seeds Chocolate Almond Butter Pudding

Zen Basil Almond Butter Cheesecake


2 Tbsp Zen Basil Seeds

1/2 cup milk of choice

1 Tbsp maple syrup or honey

2 Tbsp coconut flour

1/2 cup yogurt

2 Tbsp almond butter

1 Tbsp melted sugar-free chocolate chips


Hydrate 2 Tbsp of Zen Basil Seeds with milk (hot milk will hydrate the seeds in 1 to 2 min) and add 1 Tbsp of maple syrup or honey. In a separate bowl mix your coconut flour and yogurt. Grab a jar or cup and layer your Zen Basil Seeds mix with the flour mixture. Then add the almond butter and top with melted chocolate chips!