Zen Basil Seeds Cottage Cheese Parfait


9 Tbsp Zen Basil Seeds 

4 cups water 

16 ounce cottage cheese 

1 lemon 

3 Tbsp monk fruit

4 cups frozen blueberries 



Split your hydrated seeds into four cups. So each cup will have 2 Tbsp of hydrated seeds. Then in a blender, mix your cottage cheese and 2 Tbsp of monk fruit for 20 seconds. Now juice and zest a lemon and blend for 10 more seconds. For the jam, heat up your blueberries to a boil, takes 2-5 min for the juice to be released, add monk fruit and 1 Tbsp of Zen Basil seeds, simmer for 3-5 minutes. Then layer your cup with the hydrated Zen Basil Seeds, cottage cheese blend, and blueberry jam. Checkout our video on Instagram for how we did ours, enjoy!